Turks & Caicos Islands to join Blue Belt Programme – Magnetic Media

2022-05-28 21:39:38 By : Ms. Shelly Qiu

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Turks & Caicos Islands to join Blue Belt Programme

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Turks & Caicos Islands to join Blue Belt Programme

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#TurksandCaicos, May 27, 2022 – The Ministry of Tourism, Agriculture, Fisheries, Heritage and the Environment is excited to announce that the Turks and Caicos Islands will be joining the UK Government’s Blue Belt Programme. The Blue Belt Programme is a UK Government initiative to enhance marine protection and sustainable marine management across UK Overseas Territories.

“QUOTE”, stated Hon. Minister Josephine Connolly, Minister of Tourism.

The UK Overseas Territories are some of the most biologically interesting, and remote, places on Earth and are home to globally significant biodiversity. Cefas and MMO will be supporting the TCI

Since 2016 the Blue Belt Programme has worked closely with the British Overseas Territories to enhance the protection and sustainable management of their precious marine environments. This flagship programme has been central to the UK Government’s ambition of leading action to tackle the serious global problems of overfishing, species extinction and climate change. TCI becomes the first Caribbean UK Overseas Territory to join this flagship marine conservation Programme.

The Blue Belt Programme, one of the UK Government’s most ambitious environmental policies ever, is supported by two world-leading organisations – the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) on behalf of the UK government. These organisations provide expertise and technical resources in the fields of marine science, management, technology and enforcement to the Overseas Territories. The programme will directly benefit the TCI to ensure marine protection brings lasting benefits to the marine environment and local communities throughout 22/25

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Turks & Caicos Islands to join Blue Belt Programme

Turks & Caicos Islands to join Blue Belt Programme

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May, 27, 2022 – Weak American gun laws are wreaking havoc on Caribbean islands. No Caribbean country is a major arms exporter or importer or manufacturer, yet Magnetic Media’s special series points out, gun crimes in the Caribbean have had a startling increase in the last three decades and the International Police  (INTERPOL) says 70 percent of all Caribbean murders are carried out with a gun.

The concerning statistics beg the question of where those guns are made and more importantly how they arrive on Caribbean shores.

Most guns in the Caribbean used in crimes start off as perfectly legal weapons.

The world’s largest exporter of guns is the United States of America, which accounted for 37 percent of all guns on the international market between 2016 and 2020; only one percent lower than the other top 4 exporters combined.

The country has been steadily producing more than 8.9 million guns per year since 2008 and 2016 marked the highest year with 11.5 million of the weapons made on US soil according to a report by the Centre for American Progress (CAP).

In addition the process to become a gun manufacturer in the US is fairly smooth.

“There are no substantive requirements to qualify as a gun manufacturer: Applicants must only be over age 21, be eligible to possess guns under federal law, and not have willfully violated any federal laws or regulations related to firearms,” says the CAP.

Gun manufacturing is a growing business, 255% more saturated in 2018 than it was in 2009.

The problem is that those legally made guns have begun to sweep into the Caribbean at alarming rates often from the United States. There is no National Gun registry connecting guns to owners in the US in fact Federal law specifically prohibits it which means after initial purchase, they can simply…disappear.

And like a sinister magic trick many of them appear in the Caribbean and are used to commit crimes before eventually falling into the hands of the police. Five Caribbean countries are listed among the 25 countries with the highest homicide rate in the region. Four of them are listed in the top five Caribbean destinations for illegal importation of US guns.

In 2020 Jamaica, The Bahamas, The Dominican Republic, Trinidad and Tobago and Haiti requested tracing from the American Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearm and Explosives on a combined 1,136 firearms seized by their various police forces.

Seventy percent or 804 guns were from the United States. Of the 804 a whopping 59 percent or 477 could be traced back to a retail purchaser in the United States.

The ease with which guns are purchased in the United States of America make them a common commodity and facilitates the lucrative illegal gun trade out of the country, the spoils of which trickle into the Caribbean.

CARICOM insists the United States must take the threat to life in the Caribbean seriously saying, “While the Region respects the rights of other states to establish liberal policies regarding access to guns, the negative impacts of these gun policies are not confined to their borders. They have very serious consequences for other countries, including the Caribbean nations, Mexico and the Central American states.”

CARICOM has named Transnational Organised Crime or the Trafficking of Illicit Drugs and Illegal Guns as a tier one crime describing it as an immediate and significant threat to the region.

Without stringent gun laws in the country of origin, stemming the flow of illegal guns is left up to the regional authorities in the Caribbean to shoulder and it is proving too heavy to bear.

#TheBahamas, May 27, 2022 – The Bahamas Government opened up recently about spending for the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge; the Royal visit in March costing the Commonwealth country in excess of $636,000 for ceremonial events and stay for William and  Kate.

A preliminary financial statement has it that a bulk of the expense was paid in New Providence. According to the breakdown, $566,828.93 was paid out to New Providence businesses and vendors; $50,063.92 to Abaco vendors; and $18,107.15 to Grand Bahama vendors.

At least $76,141 went to ‘Wild Flowers’ for décor for the Royal Ball, school visit, and One Montague. For accommodation and meals, $34,657 was spent. Another $66,440 went to ‘Movi Company’ which provided large jumbo screens and digital and electronic work. Bahama Prints was paid $34,806 for welcome billboards and mesh. The New Providence Junkanoo Corporation was extended $21,000 for the Junkanoo event.

The Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas was paid $29,480 was paid for its broadcasting services, Bahamasair received $37,247 for air charter services, $12,000 went to ‘Janees’ Uniform Shop’ for uniforms for sloop sailors and payment to participants in the regatta event. Smaller vendors also accounted for some of the payments. Data shows that over 100 individuals and businesses were processed for payments.

Local Organizing Committee said it realized “significant assistance” by not having to engage or issue contracts for government buildings upgrades and improvements as the Ministry of Works was “very active and responsive in this area”. In addition, the Department of Environment cleaned main street arteries to ensure a spotless presentation.

Office of the Prime Minister press secretary, Clint Watson explained that the media spotlight and promotions for The Bahamas was immeasurable, reminding that The Bahamas was a chosen destination by the Royals, that The Bahamas has obligations as a member of the Commonwealth and that the UK always stands ready in support in times of crises.

According to the committee, at least $100,000 was saved because of the assistance provided by corporate Bahamas. The committee added that there will not be much need for infrastructural improvement and upgrades in preparation for Bahamas’ annual Independence Celebrations.

“It is difficult to quantify the tremendous benefits of the Royal Visit to The Commonwealth of The Bahamas. Over forty international media houses from the UK and international graced our shores and recorded the wonders of The Bahamas and the beauty, charm, and warmth of our people,” said the LOC. It made note that the overarching goal was met through the various activities within education, sports, culinary delights, and meaningful interactions with the Bahamians.

The LOC expressed that a dollar value cannot be placed on the advantages of the recent visit by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge; it said that Bahamians proved that they have made it common knowledge that they entertain Royalty with both class and pride.

#TurksandCaicos, May 27, 2022 – The Ministry of Tourism, Agriculture, Fisheries, Heritage and the Environment is excited to announce that the Turks and Caicos Islands will be joining the UK Government’s Blue Belt Programme. The Blue Belt Programme is a UK Government initiative to enhance marine protection and sustainable marine management across UK Overseas Territories.

“QUOTE”, stated Hon. Minister Josephine Connolly, Minister of Tourism.

The UK Overseas Territories are some of the most biologically interesting, and remote, places on Earth and are home to globally significant biodiversity. Cefas and MMO will be supporting the TCI

Since 2016 the Blue Belt Programme has worked closely with the British Overseas Territories to enhance the protection and sustainable management of their precious marine environments. This flagship programme has been central to the UK Government’s ambition of leading action to tackle the serious global problems of overfishing, species extinction and climate change. TCI becomes the first Caribbean UK Overseas Territory to join this flagship marine conservation Programme.

The Blue Belt Programme, one of the UK Government’s most ambitious environmental policies ever, is supported by two world-leading organisations – the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) on behalf of the UK government. These organisations provide expertise and technical resources in the fields of marine science, management, technology and enforcement to the Overseas Territories. The programme will directly benefit the TCI to ensure marine protection brings lasting benefits to the marine environment and local communities throughout 22/25.

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