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Homeland Security and Emergency Management
ST. PAUL — Buckling up. It’s a two-second step that helps parents come home to their kids, teenagers graduate and pursue their dreams, and families avoid the heartache of losing a loved one in a crash. Too many Minnesotans skipped that step the last two years, and the consequences are permanent and tragic. The number of people killed by not wearing a seat belt rose in 2021 for the second year in a row.
The Click It or Ticket statewide seat belt campaign May 23- June 5 strives to stop the preventable loss to families across Minnesota. Troopers, deputies and officers participate in the campaign, which includes extra p atrols, to keep Minnesotans alive or avoid life-changing injuries. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety coordinates the enforcement, education and awareness campaign with funding provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It includes advertising across Minnesota in support of the Toward Zero Deaths traffic safety initiative.
“When a life is lost because of no seat belt, it’s very discouraging because it so easily could’ve been prevented,” said Mike Hanson, Office of Traffic Safety director. “That’s it. It’s over for that person and for loved ones and friends left behind. When you’re heading out, please make the wise, caring choice to wear your seat belt and refuse to put the vehicle in drive until passengers buckle up as well. Drive smart and live.”
Two Years of Growing Tragedy Preliminary counts from the Office of Traffic Safety show 108 unbelted motorists died on Minnesota roads in 2021, up three from 2020 when 105 died. This is 48 percent higher than the 73 unbelted deaths in 2019 and the highest number since 2014.
Last year saw the highest number of unbelted fatalities (38) of 25-39-year-olds since 2012 (36). 2020 was not far behind, with 31 unbelted deaths in that age category. Seventy-seven percent of unbelted fatalities in 2021 occurred in greater Minnesota, outside the seven-county metro area.
Through May 15, unbelted fatalities (27) are:
Car Seat Decisions Affect Young Lives Children rely on adults for proper car seat use.
Minnesota Car Seat Law and Steps In Minnesota, all children must be in a child safety seat until they are 4' 9" tall, or at least age 8, whichever comes first.
The Law is for Safety Minnesota law states that drivers and passengers in all seating positions must wear seat belts or be in the correct child restraint. Belts should be tight across the hips or thighs and should never be tucked under the arm or behind the back.
About the Minnesota Department Public Safety DPS comprises 11 divisions where 2,100 employees operate programs in the areas of law enforcement, crime victim assistance, traffic safety, alcohol and gambling, emergency communications, fire safety, pipeline safety, driver licensing, vehicle registration and emergency management. DPS activity is anchored by three core principles: education, enforcement and prevention.
About the Office of Traffic Safety The Minne sota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety (DPS-OTS) designs, implements and coordinates federally funded traffic safety enforcement and education programs to improve driver behaviors and reduce the deaths and serious injuries that occur on Minnesota roads. These efforts form a strong foundation for the statewide Toward Zero Deaths traffic safety program. DPS-OTS also administers state funds for the motorcycle safety program and for the child seats for needy families program.