By Jake Barnett, Co-Senior Staffer (@barnettjake)
AEW Dynamite (Episode 147) Worcester, Massachusetts at DCU Center Aired live July 27, 2022 on TBS
Jim Ross, Taz, and Excalibur joined on commentary. They tossed to Justin Roberts, who made ring announcements for the AEW Interim World Championship Match. Rush made his entrance first, followed by Jon Moxley. William Regal joined on commentary during Moxley’s entrance.
1. Jon Moxley vs. Rush (w/Jose) for the Interim AEW World Championship: Rush ambushed Moxley as he got into the ring, and immediately sent him back to ringside. He tossed him into the barricade, and then back into the ring. He swept the leg of the Moxley in the corner, and then landed some heavy chops. He then landed some heavy chops and looked to bite Moxley on the forehead. Mox then rolled to ringside, and then came up bleeding. Rush followed him to the outside and licked some of Moxley’s blood off his fingers.
Rush grabbed a chair. Jose distracted the referee so he could attempt to use it, but Moxley rolled out of the way. Rush taunted the crowd, and Moxley fired back with a suicide dive. He then landed some headbutts, and slammed Rush into the ring steps. Now back in the ring, they traded chops. Rush followed up by taking the action back out of the ring almost immediately, and choking Mox with a bit of A/V cable…[c]
Moxley placed Rush on the top rope and raked his back. He then pulled him back into the ring with a superplex, but wasn’t able to make a cover. They both got to their feet and traded german suplexes. Moxley then landed a big lariat, but Rush fired back with a snap german suplex. He covered, but only got a near fall. Rush then applied a crossface, but Moxley escaped and landed repeated stomps on his face.
Rush recovered and suplexed Moxley into the turnbuckles. He then placed him on the top rope, but Moxley bit him on the face and shoved him back into the ring. Mox then stood on the top rope, but more Jose interference led to Andrade shoving Moxley crotch first onto the top rope. The Lucha Brothers ran down to even the odds, and Moxley rolled up Rush for a near fall.
Moxley landed a lariat on a charging lariat, but Rush recovered quickly and landed a straitjacket piledriver for a close near fall. Rush set up for a shotgun dropkick in the corner, but Moxley avoided it and grabbed a choke attempt. Rush used a headbutt to escape, and Moxley pulled him into the Death Rider. Rush kicked out, but Moxley quickly choked him out with the Bulldog Choke.
Jon Moxley defeated Rush at 13:27 to retain the Interim AEW World Championship
After the match, Chris Jericho’s music hit and he walked out on the stage with the Jericho Appreciation Society. Jericho’s nose was butterflied and he had a black eye. Angelo Parker demanded the AEW Galaxy appreciate them. Jericho then grabbed the mic and told Moxley that was a great title defense and that Moxley was on a roll, but nothing like the roll the Jericho Appreciation Society was on.
Jericho said Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara would take care of business tonight, and they had their newest member Anna Jay. She cut a shrill promo and threatened to prove how tough she was by choking everyone in the building out. Jericho then took the mic back and said he proved how tough he was last week when he beat up Eddie Kingston, including getting cut out of a spider web of barbed wire like a horse fly. Jericho said he beat Eddie Kingston, and he would beat Moxley.
Jericho challenged Moxley for his Interim World Championship at Quake at the Lake in Minneapolis and said he would be the 2-Time Le Champion. Moxley replied that he used to look up to Jericho, but everything he’s doing right now is crap. It doesn’t matter if he’s Le Champion, JAS, Inner Circle, Wizard, or whatever it’s all a joke. Moxley said if he wants to challenge him for the AEW Championship, he wants him to leave his bag carriers at home and bring the Last Survivor of the Heart Dungeon, Lionheart Chris Jericho. Moxley said this was the World Championship and only the best need apply…
Very quickly…the announce team unveiled AEW Trios Championships (the belts were on their desk), and said there would be a tournament that would eventually crown champions at All Out…
Backstage, Dante Martin said Tay Conti would accompany Sammy Guevara for his match later, so he had his own backup, and introduced Skye Blue. In the arena, Danhausen made his entrance, followed by Ricky Starks for the next match. Ricky Starks got a fun video package that highlighted his FTW Title Run…
My Take: Hot Damn, they are flying tonight. A good opener from Rush and Moxley. Jericho challenging Moxley as the Lionheart character should be fun if he plays it straight without the bullshit. The trios titles do nothing for me personally, but I’m sure others will be excited about it.
2. Ricky Starks vs. Danhausen for the FTW Title: Starks landed a pump kick, and Danhausen returned the favor. Danhausen landed a quick blow to Ricky’s neck and rolled him up for a two count. Ricky replied with a spear and got the win.
Ricky Starks defeated Danhausen at 0:42 to retain the FTW Title
After the match, Ricky Starks said he had more in the tank, and demanded a second challenger. Hook answered the challenge, and got a big reaction from the live crowd.
3. Ricky Starks vs. Hook for the FTW Title: Starks looked pissed off and took a swing. Hook ducked and landed body shots in the corner. He landed a headbutt, and then a pumphandle suplex. Starks fired back with a right hand and a back suplex. Hook flipped out of a hip toss, but ran into a spear. Starks picked up Hook for the Roshambo, but he flipped out the back and applied his Redrum submission for the tap out win.
Hook defeated Ricky Starks to become FTW Champion at 2:02
Hook held up the title and headed to the back…[c]
My Take: Hook winning the FTW Title is a good jumping off point for him. He can have feuds that don’t require pushing him beyond what he’s ready for. I hope this is a jumping off point for Ricky, as he’s definitely ready for bigger and better things.
Starks was interviewed in the ring with Hobbs. Starks said he got that title and people said it was a noose, but he turned it into a tie. He made the leather and metal into Gold, and he was tired of being told that he’s gotta wait until next month. He said he’s earned the right to talk to the people for more than 40 seconds, and that his time is now. He started to mention Hobbs, who then blindsided him with a clothesline. Hobbs then delivered a spinebuster and left Starks in a heap…
Backstage, The Acclaimed said they would roast the Ass Boys again this week, and said they had to watch their music video to see what kind of match they are going to be with them. Anthony Bowens said that they would take out the trash boys on Friday, and that everybody would love their video, but they didn’t mention where or when to watch it…
Sammy Guevara made his entrance with Tay Conti. Dante Martin then made his entrance with Skye Blue…
4. Dante Martin (w/Skye Blue) vs. Sammy Guevara (w/Tay Conti): Skye wore jeans shorts and a t-shirt to the ring, which looked out of place. Both men showed off some impressive agility and wrestled to a stalemate. Guevara and Conti tried to leave, but Martin attacked Guevara on the ramp. He then tossed Guevara off the ramp, and then dove on him with a somersault senton…[c]
Sammy regained control during the break, but Martin dumped him over the top to the outside as the show returned. Dante went for a big flying nothing to the outside, and Guevara gave him a knee lift on the way down. Sammy then performed a dive himself and tackled Martin on the floor. Back in the ring, he covered for a near fall. Guevara went for a GTH, but Martin avoided it and landed a suplex. He covered for a two count.
Martin started to limp a bit and headed to the top rope. He went for a double jump moonsault, but Guevara met him up top. He tried to toss Martin back into the ring, but he landed on his feet. Martin continued to sell his leg. Conti tried to distract Dante from the floor, but he ignored her. He went for his double jump moonsault again, but Guevara avoided it and landed a double jump cutter of his own. He then followed up with GTH for the win.
Sammy Guevara defeated Dante Martin at 9:01
After the match, Sammy continued to assault Martin. Skye got involved, but Conti got in her face. Anna Jay ran down and hit Blue in the back. They slapped and stomped on her until Ruby Soho ran down with Ortiz and Kingston to clear them from the ring…
Daniel Garcia was interviewed backstage. He said he hadn’t heard the name Bryan Danielson for a couple of months. Garcia said he had been in the ring every day while Bryan was gardening with his family. He told Danielson that if he isn’t focused, he’ll send him back home on vacation and people will call him the best technical sports entertainer in the world…[c]
My Take: Martin and Guevara were clunky in places, and also really impressive at other points. Skye Blue seemed very ill prepared to be out there. She was very awkward and the crowd didn’t react very much when she confronted Conti. Anna Jay’s run in was similarly cold. The post match segment got bailed out by Ruby Soho and Kingston, who got big reactions. Starks gave a really good character performance tonight. I look forward to a feud between him and Hobbs, who is also primed to break out as a cocky heel.
Backstage, Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal talked trash about The Best Friends with Satnam Singh. The Best Friends ran up and insulted Sonjay, who quickly agreed to a six man tag and immediately regretted it…
[Hour Two] Back in the arena, Tony Schiavone brought out Jungle Boy for an interview. Luchasaurus then walked out with them. Schiavone asked him what was on his mind. Jungle Boy screamed that Christian Cage was the biggest pussy that he’s ever met in his entire life. He said he’s talked all kinds of bullshit about his entire family, and he’s the most relevant he’s ever been in his career. Jungle Boy then said Christian is supposedly upset with him over eliminating him from a Battle Royal and costing him a bonus, which didn’t make much sense. He said the real reason is that he’s strapped for cash because his wife divorced his bitch ass.
Jungle Boy continued and said that Christian is just another evil loser from the movies with a TurtleNeck and a small prick. That explains the wife. He then addressed Luchasaurus, and said he was just protecting Christian for him, because no one was going to get a hold of him before he did, and maintained they are best friends.
Jungle Boy then started talking about digging his own father’s grave when Christian appeared next to a backstage monitor. He said he draped a leather jacket over Jungle Boy after he gave him the one man Conchairto, but he could stop worry about his departed Father because the next thing he’ll drape over him is a body bag. He said Jungle Boy had told him all of his secrets, and now he’d prey on his weakness…
Backstage, The Young Bucks started a conversation with Hangman Page, and started to wish him a Happy Birthday, but they were interrupted by Dark Order. The Bucks walked away and left Hangman with them before finishing the conversation. They then told Brandon Cutler to stop filming, and he said it was awkward…
Tony Nese made his ring entrance with Mark Sterling. They were followed by Swerve Strickland. Keith Lee is banned from ringside for this handicap match. Footage was shown of Kevin Gates KO’ing Nese last week…
5. Swerve Strickland vs. Tony Nese and Mark Sterling in a Handicap Match: Swerve knocked Sterling off the apron and then went to work on Nese. He landed a lariat on Nese and then went out to the floor. Sterling begged off and Nese attacked from behind. Swerve recovered and sent Nese off the apron and to the floor. Sterling got involved again and pulled Swerve’s hair, which allowed Nese to recover and pull Strickland off the apron as well…[c]
Nese controlled the action during the break, but Swerve was smart enough to kick Nese into Sterling and cause a tag. Nese refused to leave, so Serve gave him a hard right hand and a double stomp over the top to the floor. Sterling was forced to get in the ring, where Sweve gave him a hard kick and pinned him for the win.
Swerve Strickland defeated Tony Nese and Mark Sterling at 6:27
After the match, Josh Woods was shown standing over Keith Lee backstage. Strickland noticed this on the big screen, and then got blindsided by Nese…
We then got a video from Malakai Black where he talked about Miro and said he would place him on the throne rather than have him worship it. Brody King then challenged Darby Allin to a Coffin Match, and asked him what kind of flowers he wanted for his headstone…
Thunder Rosa vs. Miya Yamashita is up next…[c]
My Take: You know, Jungle Boy could have fit at least two more dick jokes in there. I don’t care about the feud between Tony Nese and Swerve Strickland. It feels beneath the Tag Champions.
Miyu Yamashita made her ring entrance, followed by Thunder Rosa.
6. Miyu Yamashita vs. Thunder Rosa for the AEW Women’s World Championship: Yamashita grabbed an arm twist early, which kicked off a series of mat wrestling and reversals. Rosa replied with a hip toss and a crucifix for a two count. They then traded several pinfalls and ended in a stalemate. Rosa attempted a suplex on the apron, but Yamashita escaped and landed a leg sweep.
She attempted a dive from the apron to the floor, but Rosa moved. She then landed a shotgun dropkick and a big chop on the floor. Yamashita replied with a rebound kick using the ring for a support…[c]
Yamashita maintained control during the break, but Rosa fired up with a shotgun dropkick and a clothesline. Rosa went up top, but Yamashita caught her with a kick and knocked her back in the ring. Both women traded strikes, and Yamashita finished the sequence with a suplex for a near fall. Rosa attempted a Fire Thunder Driver, but Yamashita avoided it and landed a hard roundhouse kick for a close near fall.
Both women traded rollups in a repeat of the spot where Yamashita defeated Rosa in Japan, but this time Rosa kicked out. A moment later, Rosa landed her Fire Thunder Driver for the win.
Thunder Rosa defeated Miyu Yamashita at 10:11 to retain the AEW Women’s Championship
The Undisputed Elite will be back next week, along with Thunderstorm vs. Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter. They also announced a Canadian Show October 12th and 13th… Bryan Danielson is up next…[c]
My Take: JR took a hard look at Miyu Yamashita and decided on “that young lady.” I didn’t think it was a particularly spectacular match, but both women obviously worked very hard. There were just a few timing issues and some awkwardness that kept it from being better than it was.
Daniel Garcia made his ring entrance for the main event. Chris Jericho joined in on commentary. He was followed by Bryan Danielson, who has spent the last few months growing out his hair…
7. Bryan Danielson vs. Daniel Garcia: We got a running dropkick and some hard kicks in the corner right out of the gate from Bryan. He then performed a suicide dive to the floor, and landed on his face in a concerning moment. Bryan ran Garcia shoulder first into the ring post. Garcia used the transition back into the ring to try and land some cheap shots on Bryan, but he replied with even harder forearm shots of his own.
Garcia quickly shook off the offense and landed a neckbreaker. Danielson rolled to the floor, and Garcia followed to toss him into the apron. He then peeled up some padding on the floor, but Bryan surprised him with a hard forearm and some kicks. He then sat Garcia on a chair, and landed a running dropkick.
Bryan landed another dropkick off the top, and sold it like he had lost consciousness. Garcia used the opportunity to land some hard strikes. Bryan vaulted out of the corner and hit the ropes, but collapsed coming back off the ropes. Garcia threw Bryan into the ring steps, and then gave Danielson a DDT on the exposed concrete…[c]
Bryan was busted open from the DDT, and was bleeding from the forehead. Garcia then rapidly stomped on Bryan’s face. He followed up with chops. They battled onto the top turnbuckle, where Garcia attempted a superplex. Bryan slid out the back and landed hard forearm shots to Garcia’s back. He collapsed momentarily, and then delivered a back suplex from the top.
Both men were down, and slowly climbed to their feet. They traded chops, with Bryan getting the better of it with kicks. He landed a final head kick, and then had to drop to his knees.
Bryan went for head stomps, but Garcia replied with a sleeper hold. Bryan escaped and applied cattle mutilation. Garcia escaped and landed some 12 to 6 elbows. Bryan ate them and landed some of his own before delivering a shoulder capture suplex for a near fall. Bryan went for a Busaiku Knee, but Garcia avoided it and landed a brainbuster for a near fall. Bryan replied with a running knee, and attempted a LeBell Lock. Garcia escaped to the outside, and Bryan landed a flying knee.
As Bryan returned to the ring, Jake Hager grabbed him from under the ring and allowed Garcia to recover. Garcia landed a piledriver and applied a Sharpshooter. After leaning all the way back in the hold, Danielson passed out.
Daniel Garcia defeated Bryan Danielson at 17:15
My Take: Well, they finally put Daniel Garcia over in a major match. I’m not sure I dig the way they got there, as they had Bryan play up returning too soon from head trauma, and then had secondary interference anyway. But this is a signature win for Garcia, who had lost basically every major singles match he’s had on AEW TV, so I guess he was due. It’s not like Bryan can’t recover from the loss, but I’m not a huge fan of turning head trauma into a storyline in general. I guess we’ll have to see what else they have in mind. Overall, this show was up and down quite a bit, but had quite a few fun matches and moments. Storytelling continues to be a weak point.
Awesome. 3 more AEW Participation Trophies!!
…and yet, here you are. LMAO. Keep posting, please. While you continue to watch REAL wrestling. We realize you aren’t allowed to admit it, so the negative comments to cover for how much you adore AEW are smart. After all, if you really DIDN’T love it, you wouldn’t be watching it…unless you’re a complete idiot….
The way Dante’s leg buckled looked REALLY nasty. Hope he’s ok.
Yeah I know; maybe they’ll do a womens trios championship as well. I see the AEW All-Atlantic belt is being defended on Dark, so that’s a real consequential title already. Would a title actually ever change hands on a show like Dark? Why defend it there if not. Can they think of something more creative than a standard tournament to crown the new champs? Sometimes that’s just fine but with all of the other tournaments for all of the other belts, plus the two Owen Hart tourneys the format is kind of stale.
Sorry. Not watching tonight. Have the baseball on. Was just following the recap and the comments
Here I think is the list of AEW promoted champions : AEW World Title TNT title All Atlantic something MJFs diamond ring Owen Hart Adam Cole belt FTW title ROH title ROH TV title ROH Pure champion AEW Woman’s Title TBS title Owen Hart Britt baker belt ROH woman’s title AEW tag belts ROH tag belts AAA tag titles New Trios Title (ROH used to have a trios title not sure it’s still active)
All of this for 3 hours of TV a week. Even the most hardened AEW fan cannot be convinced this isn’t overkill
Yes, the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles are active and just changed hands at the PPV.
The All-Atlantic belt is being defended in other promotions and then broadcast on Dark not being defended directly on Dark (I know it’s not a big difference but I could see it as being a way to try and bump Dark views)
Tournaments tend to be the way, that or you just present the belts to a Trios team and leave it at that (though I’m sure that’d get a more negative reaction if they just summarily handed the belts to The Elite or The Dark Order). Tbh I can’t think of any other methods aside from maybe a battle royal.
The Owen Hart belts were used for two weeks after the Tournament finals. Diamond Ring is kinda meh but it’s not a defended item more a gimmick for MJF.
I’d have more of an issue with so many titles if Dynamite and Rampage were nothing but championship matches.
The multiple titles also allow for champions to rest whilst still presenting compelling reasons for further matches to be booked.
Just my opinion though, no whataboutism. There are a lot of belts but I think chasing the Gold is more compelling for matches than someone spilling coffee on someone 😉
“Mox then rolled to ringside, and then came up bleeding.”
Yawn. Bleedy McCan’tWorkForShit just bleeds all the time now.
Jericho is playing another character, but AEW is the sports based promotion.
New bullshit belts are introduced.
A bullshit belt is defended, twice, and lost followed by a turn that has literally zero buildup.
Skinny guys who can’t work flipped around for 9 minutes and then their skanks fought which brought more people running out from the back.
The worst possible explanation for Luchasaurus turning for 2 weeks just to turn back was given, along with ridiculous real life shit that’s just there to try and pop the unwashed neckbeard smarks in attendance.
Another person got jumped backstage at AEW, the most dangerous place on Earth.
It will be nice to see Danielson finish the night off, but the rest of this shit is as bad as AEW has ever been. Sir crack of head needs to ask daddy for a second trust fund so he can buy a booker.
I hear Vince McMahon is available.
“Another person got jumped backstage at AEW, the most dangerous place on Earth.”
No actually when AEW comes quaking at the lake backstage to DT Minneapolis, then it will be the most dangerous place on earth. Better put your fireworks armor on.
I will say that I think that an unexpected upset win like that with Garcia over Danielson is a good idea from time to time.
Can you imagine having to spend anytime around the greatestturd? What a miserable human being.
Not sure why this site attracts so many trolls. Powell and Barnett are professional and neutral.
Roh titles are not apart of AEW. Owen cup titles arent seen anymore and its a once a year gimmick. So calm down about bashing the belts. The aew trios belts are not neccessary but are already more meaningful than the 2 sets of tag belts the usos carry around
They’re held by AEW talent, are defended on AEW shows, and are both owned by the same guy, but nah mate, the RoH titles have NOTHING to do with AEW, nothing at all. Why would anyone think otherwise?
I mean, it’s just like how Raw and Smackdown are TOTALLY different, completely unrelated and unconnected entities, right?
How are AEW trios belts that haven’t even been won by anyone yet more valuable than a WWE championship that has existed for 50+ years? Even if you despise WWE you have to respect that the USO have solid matches and “beat” (yeah I know it’s predetermined) everyone else in the tag division over the past year.
I’m not a huge AEW fan but I am also not going to say “the 24/7 title means more than the belt Mox Carries around”. Let’s all try to maintain a little balance
The 24/7 belt is on a show that draws almost 2x the audience of the main show that the Mox belt draws. The 24/7 belt is featured in a company that sold 150k+ tickets for WM and has more than 60k tickets sold for 2 upcoming shows. The 24/7 belt is featured in a company that averages nearly 3 million weekly viewers on Peacock and 5-6 million viewers for their PPVs.
It might not be as prestigious in name, but it’s seen by a hell of a lot more people even if it’s a complete joke that should cease to exist immediately (and just might with Vince not writing the shows).
“I’ll be the first ever 2 time AEW champion” — Jericho to the guy that already beat him to that distinction (since they’re apparently counting interim reigns).
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